What is the vendor balance in AX 2012, how we can get the vendor balance, opening balance, local balance amount and opening balance against the particular date using X++?
Vendor balance in AX 2012 refers to the amount owed to or by a vendor based on their transactions with in organization. It is the difference between the total amount of vendor invoices that have been posted and the total amount of payments that have been made to the vendor. In X++, you can get the vendor balance using the VendTable and VendTrans tables. Here’s an example code snippet to get the vendor balance for a specific vendor:
static void vendorBalance(Args _args)
VendTable vendTable;
VendTrans vendTrans;
Amount amountMST, amountMST1, localAmount, foreignAmount, openBalanceMST;
TransDate fromdate = mkDate(1,1,2022);
vendTable = VendTable::find("<vendor account number>");
amountMST = 0;
while select * from vendTrans
where vendTrans.AccountNum == vendTable.AccountNum
&& vendTrans.TransDate > fromdate
amountMST1 = vendTrans.AmountCur;//remainAmountCur();
if (amountMST1 != 0)
if (vendTrans.CurrencyCode != vendTable.Currency)
foreignAmount = Currency::curAmount2CurAmount(amountMST1, Ledger::accountingCurrency(), vendTable.Currency,vendTrans.TransDate);
foreignAmount = amountMST1;
amountMST += foreignAmount;
localAmount = Currency::curAmount2CurAmount(amountMST, Ledger::accountingCurrency(), vendTable.Currency,fromDate - 1);
openBalanceMST = vendTable.openBalanceMST(dateNull(), fromDate, fromDate);
info(strFmt("VendorAccount: %1", vendTable.AccountNum));
info(strFmt("VendorName: %1", vendTable.name()));
info(strFmt("VendorCurrency: %1", vendTable.Currency));
info(strFmt("LocalCurrencyAmt: %1", amountMST));
info(strFmt("AmountMST: %1", localAmount));
info(strFmt("OpenBalanceMST: %1", openBalanceMST));